Movies directed by philip-gardiner

Dark Watchers: The Women in Black
The Stone: No Soul Unturned

Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix

Aleister Crowley: Legend of the Beast

Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil

American Illuminati

The Initiation of Alice in Wonderland: The Looking Glass of Lewis Carroll
Bigfoot in Europe: Sasquatch Encounters Abroad

Bible Secrets: The Forbidden Codes

American Illuminati 2

Alien Contact: NASA Exposed 2

A Werewolf in Slovenia
Secret Societies and Sacred Stones: From Mecca to Megaliths

Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy

Dark Passions of a Sexual Serial Killer

Ghost Attack on Sutton Street: Poltergeists and Paranormal Entities

Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed

The Order of the Alchemists, the Knights of Malta and Cagliostro